Artist Statement
As a citizen of the world, and United States Army soldier who served for six years with great honor and pride. I feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility to express how I feel about the times that we are in. These feelings I express through some of my art works.
I'm a self-taught artist. My surroundings are my canvas and platform. I am not limited to any particular medium or subject matter. My works have an inter-connection of all things. My passion for art and a better world allows me to create artworks that have a story to tell. As an artist I want to bring to viewers a point of view or a complex of feelings or thoughts when they see my works. At the very least, I want to convey a sense of beauty, mystery and fantasy.
My narratives are literal and symbolic. I use history, science, politics, religion and many other subjects to express my thoughts and feelings. Whether past or present, I feel a strong connection and interest to the subject matter I choose. Like a true journalist who gathers facts to write his or her story, I tell my story through my assemblage art and my paintings. My thirst for knowledge and the truth allows me to study and gather information to better understand my subjects and be able to give a more accurate account of the story.
My process for creating art consists of combining and assembling multiple disciplines and media into my works. Each piece I create is a work in progress and is totally magical from the beginning until completion. The titles that I give my works have a purpose and meaning. Some works may take a few years to complete.